How Much Physical Therapy After Total Knee Replacement?

Explains Delhi and Gurugram’s Leading Physiotherapist for Total Knee Replacement Recovery – Dr Saed Varis

Any surgery carries risks and side effects. Total knee replacement is no exception. However, physical therapy following surgery can help minimize side effects and help patients resume regular activities in just a few weeks. It enables the patient to regain strength, flexibility, and mobility while reducing pain and inflammation. This is a crucial part of recovery. Additionally, physical therapy can help to prevent the need for future medical intervention. It can also help to improve overall health and quality of life.

Physical therapy is a type of medical treatment that focuses on restoring movement and function to the body by using exercise, massage, and other techniques. It helps to prevent scar tissue formation after total knee replacement surgery which otherwise can lead to long-term pain and stiffness if not addressed. But how long does the patient need physical therapy sessions after surgery? Let’s find out from Dr Saed Varis, the leading physiotherapist in India for recovery from total knee replacement surgery.

best physiotherapist in Gurgaon for knee replacement recovery

Immediately after surgery: Believe it or not, such sessions should begin right after surgery is over and the patient recovers from anaesthesia.

  • Your therapist will focus on the knee. strengthening exercises that will help you walk better, reduce pain and swelling, and improve your joint mobility.
  • Your therapist will also assist you in utilizing crutches effectively and recommend modifications to your lifestyle and home to facilitate your mobility.
  • A knee brace may be used to stabilize your knee while you heal.
  • Physiotherapist will help you get in and out of bed, use the toilet, and move around with minimal discomfort.
  • Simple exercises like Ankle pumps and Gluteal sets will help improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • Sessions will usually last between 30 minutes to 1 hour and may be required several times a week until the desired outcome is achieved.

Dr Saed Varis top physiotherapist in gurgaon

1-2 weeks after surgery: During this time, since the body is still healing, the therapist will focus on exercises that are less intense and won’t strain the knee. For instance, the therapist may recommend exercises such as leg raises or wall squats that don’t require the patient to bear their full body weight. Sessions will concentrate on balance, range-of-motion and strengthening exercises such as ankle pumps and leg raises.  Supported knee bends may also be recommended to help improve mobility.

3—6 weeks after surgery: Now, the patient is ready for low-impact physical activities like walking, swimming, and biking. Strengthening exercises for the knee muscles will help with balance and stability. Hamstring carpet drags, Hip/ gluteal exercises, and aerobic exercises are recommended by the therapist. However, if the patient feels any kind of discomfort, the therapist must be informed immediately.

7—12 weeks after surgery: At this point, the knee should feel much stronger and the range of motion should improve significantly. Physical therapy is often recommended to help patients regain the full function of their knees and increase strength. It is important to note that the recovery process is not complete and the patient should still take steps to protect their knee from further injury. These steps may include avoiding high-impact activities like running, jumping, etc, using an appropriate brace when necessary, and continuing to do physical therapy exercises.

With proper physical therapy, patients can lead a normal life for 6 months to a year.

The duration of physiotherapy sessions after knee replacement surgery depends upon the patient’s overall health and age and the extent of their injury. It would be best to seek guidance from an expert physiotherapist.